Simple Ways To Create Inner Happiness And Enhanced Productivity (Even When Life Is Crazy)

Life has challenges that can slow us down. But even in times of frustration and stress, a few steps will make life happier and hopefully more productive.

Happy businesswoman working from home

There are certain constants in life. You can be sure there will be ups and downs. Sometimes it can be very difficult and you can suffer from anxiety, depression and stress. For some, it’s just a matter of a few days before they’re back in action. For a few others, and this could be for several very valid reasons, it may take some help to get them back to their happy and productive selves.

Pressure and worries often go hand in hand. It is important that we recognize the need to address the problem, face it, make peace and move forward. In some cases, pressure and worry are part of a certain stage of life, and instead of burying them deep inside, it is best to work on creating inner happiness to overcome the stress. This, in turn, will help improve productivity in everything you do.

Everyone needs a little guidance as they try to find their inner happiness.

Allow your inner peace to emerge

Inner peace would be so easy to achieve if we had a million dollars and a perfect life. But because things don’t work that way, we have to take charge of our own lives. The first is to recognize that everyone is different. Be kind to yourself. You may need to slow down, assess what’s holding you back, and work from there.

It is important to recognize that you are feeling depressed or sad and that you would like to get out of it. Sometimes all you need is a trusted friend to lend a non-judgmental ear, and it can be resolved. At other times, you may need professional help (if this is you, contact your doctor or other trusted medical professional). It’s important that you give yourself some time to wallow. A day to feel what you are, maybe cry it out or even sleep it off. Once you’re ready to make a change, you can work on some simple aspects of your life to achieve peace from within.

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Find the source of dissatisfaction

It’s important to find the source of what’s causing you problems and work on it. If you look at a problem from a calm perspective, you can often find a way to solve it. Discussing it with someone you trust can help you see things from a different perspective and help you find a solution. Weigh the pros and cons of the action you are going to take to resolve the problem and see how you can best make things work for you in your circumstances. Understandably, things are not always black and white. Look for ways around the problem, or a solution to it.

Ensure that all personal health, financial and personal safety issues are properly addressed. Making sure you have your life organized goes a long way in getting your mind in a place where you can start thinking further.

  • Insurance is an important backup you will need in case of an emergency. It gives you peace of mind when the unthinkable happens.
  • Visit a doctor for a check-up and make sure medical problems are not causing your discomfort.

Clean up your life

Start by looking at your to-do list. Often you will find that you have bitten off more than you can chew. Both in the workplace and at home, there are tasks that can be outsourced to others. It’s teamwork all the way. Look through your to-do list and discover what you really need to do and what others can take off your hands. Delegate. Pay someone if you can (especially clean the oven, no one wants to do that).

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Continue to your workspace and clear away anything that isn’t needed. Not only does it visually lighten the load, it also gives you a tidy workspace. Clutter and clutter can add urgency and stress to everything you do.

Work on time management

Evaluate how you spend your time. Social media has become a huge source of discontent. The fear of missing out (FOMO) is real and it’s easy to constantly seek validation in an invisible online world. Limit the time you spend on social media and reconnect with people IRL. Don’t set your standards for performance and self-worth based on what you see on social profiles. A lot of it is staged positivity.

Set a schedule for yourself – for work, socializing, entertainment, and most importantly, time for yourself. Do what you need and you relax: a cup of tea alone in the garden, a jigsaw puzzle or a walk to the local shop for milk. Whatever, but let that time be yours.

Productive businesswoman working from home

Become more productive

Once you are at peace with yourself, you will find that productivity at work will naturally increase. But there are always a few ways you can increase your output without putting unnecessary strain on yourself.

Keep an eye on yourself

This comes from working in a disciplined manner. Prioritize tasks and assign personal deadlines to them. Ideally, a little earlier than the actual deadline, so that you have some breathing room. Be practical and take into account the inevitable distractions and unexpected situations that can keep you from what you are doing. This is where smart pacing of tasks ensures you don’t end up with multiple things to do and no time to do it. It also ensures quality in everything you do.

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Work Smart

Do the tasks you don’t enjoy when you’re at your brightest during the day. It’s so nice to do tasks that you enjoy when you’re more relaxed and the pressure is off. Complete similar tasks in one go, even if they are for two different things. Set mini goals. Once you achieve them, treat yourself. Take a tea break when you’re done with that one dreaded task; read that article online right before you sign off for the day. It gives you something to work towards.


At the end of a workday, make time for something you enjoy doing that will help you relax. Give yourself a pat on the back for the results achieved. Remember that there will be good days and bad days. The key is to recognize the low points and work on moving out of them.

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