3 Places Economic Consultants Can Work after College

If there’s one thing students think about during their final years of school, it’s where they can put their degrees to use and find work after graduation. Or they wonder how they can broaden their horizons by continuing to go to school to further their education. Research has shown that more than 65% of people with economics degrees get jobs within six months of graduating, while many others enroll in graduate school.

Economic advisor

Not only does this sound promising for students taking this course, but it should also give them the confidence to start looking for potential work even before they receive their diploma.

Here are three places where economic consultants can work after college.

Economic consultancy firms

Economic consulting firms are a good choice for someone who has just graduated in economics or is about to do so. This may seem like an ideal choice for a place to get their feet wet in the industry straight out of university, as there will be many senior workers there to follow and learn the ropes of. Advice in business can be perfected over time, because perfection and practical knowledge come with experience.

Those looking to be hired by an economic consulting firm should be aware that there is a hiring process. Before you go for a job interview, prepare to discuss why you want to work at a company and share any relevant theses or research work from your years at university.

Advisor analyzing problems

Their own economist company

It is the American dream to work for yourself, which is why this is something that many economic advisors strive for. Nowadays it’s a lot easier to set up your own business with all the resources and social media available online, making advertising and global communications a breeze.

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Being remote also allows you to expand your business quite quickly, allowing you to provide economic advice in Washington DC while offering services in Miami. With every city just a flight away, it is possible to not only build but also grow your own business in a very short time. Furthermore, having your own business means that you set all the rules and you have the option to work alone or hire others to help you.

Economist lecturer at colleges

Economic advisors will never go out of style, which is good for job security. Fortunately, economics is something that will always matter, so people with an economics degree even have the opportunity to go ahead and share their knowledge on the subject by tutoring on a college campus.

Many students need help understanding certain concepts, so this is a valuable position to fill if you’re interested in continuing to work in education. This can also be a good job for economic consultants who are pursuing higher education and are looking for some side work to generate some income.

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