I Sold an App for $65K After Learning to Code Last Year

I am Nico, founder of Talknotes. I learned to code last year and since then I’ve shipped seventeen apps and sold one for $65,000.

At the beginning of October I launched Talknotes on ProductHunt. I have a good community on Twitter and I launched this weekend, so I ended up being the first. I haven’t used a hunter or anything like that, I don’t really see the point in it.

From my experience, there are two ways to appear on ProductHunt. If you have a large community that will support you, OR if you have a very innovative product, people will obviously vote for it. It’s going to be hard to get into the top 5 if you honestly don’t have either of those.

For Talknotes, I hope to grow it to $5000 MRR by August next year, which would be a great goal. It will also provide me with a good case study for my next products, which will focus on marketing.

My current personal goal in general is to earn enough to leave Bali and go back to Mexico. I really love the place but it is quite expensive if you want to live in the nice areas.

How many apps have you created in a year?

I created Make Logo AI and 17 other apps in a year.

Can you tell us a little about your backstory?

Immediately after high school I started entrepreneurship.

I initially started studying but found it boring so I decided to start my own business.

I started in marketing and got a lot of freelance work, which allowed me to make a good amount of money.

However, about a year ago I lost my main source of income, so I decided to learn to code to gain full control over the process. That’s how I started with software development.

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How did you come up with the idea for Make Logo AI?

The idea for Make Logo AI was somewhat random.

I wanted to create a logo for my company and apps, and then I thought it would be interesting to turn it into an app using AI technology.

Can you explain the process of launching make logo AI?

I created a minimum viable product (MVP) for Make Logo AI in just 48 hours. I posted everything on Twitter and created a hype.

Then I launched it on Product Hunt and enabled sales. That’s how I initially launched the app and started recruiting new customers.

What tools do you use?

I mainly use Milanote, a great app that allows me to do everything I need. Other than that, I don’t have any specific apps that I rely on.

Of course I use tools like JLPT for coding, but nothing fancy.

What strategies have worked for you in acquiring new customers?

When I first launched make logo AI, it was a brand new concept, so I didn’t really try any specific strategies. Still, I generated a lot of income from it.

As for TalkNotes, I started in August and relied mostly on organic growth, along with a bit of SEO and advertising. I’m constantly trying different strategies to see what works best.

What advice do you have for entrepreneurs looking to get started?

It’s difficult to give specific advice because the entrepreneurial landscape is constantly changing. However, I would say it is important to develop a valuable skill and understand market dynamics.

Find out where you can use your skills and knowledge. In my case, my marketing background gave me an advantage in software development because I knew I could better market to many other founders.

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Continuous learning is crucial, and while technical skills are important, marketing skills are even more important. Focus on becoming proficient in copywriting, distribution and general marketing strategies.

These are the most important tips I would give aspiring entrepreneurs.

Where to learn more:

Nico’s personal website

Nico’s Twitter

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